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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Back to work

It is back to work as usual, or as close as possible. Yes, I am still pretty sore but other than taking Tylenol all day there is really nothing else I can do. I noticed in my literature from REACH that my meds can cause some of this discomfort too, so that may be part of it as well. I can make it through this, I just need to continue to take it easy & not over do it.


Kristi said...

You are doing the right thing! Listen to your body. It will tell you if you are overdoing it. No one can know this but you. Glad you are back at work today - It will probably help get your mind off things. Oh, I passed my eye exam this morning... I can wear my contacts again! But...... I'm really liking these glasses! :) We'll see...

Leah said...

Sorry it's been so rough...hope you're feeling better today!

angie said...

Thanks Leah! Today is the best so far. I haven't had to take any Tylenol yet which is really good.