Everyone said she would grow up fast & they were definitely right. I took Emma for her 18 month old pictures this morning & the proofs look like a 3 year old little girl with a silly (sometimes fake) grin.
She went for her 18 month check-up last week & she is still in the 10% for weight at 20 lbs, 15 oz (she is probably over 21 lbs by now) and 50% for height at 31". Dr. K wants to see Emma back in 3 months to do a weight check & if she is happy with her gain we may be able to start her on regular whole milk & discontinue the Pediasure. Emma really loves her milk so we have to wean her off slowly. As for her eating, Dr. K says she is right in line with all the other 18 months who are trying to figure out what they like. She will not eat meat at least not yet, but I will keep trying. Her favorites right now are waffles (plain, we haven't introduced condiments yet), grapes, strawberries, broccoli, PB & J & cheese.
She still hasn't taken the plunge on walking independently yet but she is taking more & more steps on her own. She is pushing her toys, laundry baskets & whatever else she can find around the house. She loves to go outside with the dog & walk in the yard holding our hands so hopefully she will just let go & take off soon.
Playing ball in the yard
Look at me go
On the slide, her favorite thing at the park
On the swing looking like a big girl