Many of you are probably unaware that I had the 1st trimester screening last Friday & the Maternal & Fetal Medicine where I got to see the baby moving its arms, legs & very strong heartbeat. Then the doctor came in to check the baby & found something on the ultra sound he didn't like. Its call a Cystic Hygroma & most of the time indicates a chromosome abnormality with the baby. He went on to explain all the things it could be & of course with me in shock all I could do was cry. Thankfully I didn't go to this appointment alone, but Chris was on a golfing trip with some guys from church so my mother & oldest sister went with me. I am so glad they were there.
He went on to explain there was a 50% chance of serious chromosome problems & listed some of the other things it could be as well. The doctor also told us the Cystic Hygroma can go away on its own or it can be an indication of a heart defect. He then told me I was now considered a high risk pregnancy & of course more tears began to fall. He then shared my options with us. We could do nothing & just watch the baby to see what happens, have a CVS test the following week or do an amnio in 4-5 weeks.
So we all left the doctors appointment in shock & very scared of what we may have to face in the future with BB. I of course didn't return to work that day & called Chris to share the bad news. Mama & I ended up taking a trip to meet Chris & our preacher 1/2 way between Charlotte & Cheraw so he could come home. Chris was already a little upset that he was missing an ultra sound to play golf, but he never gets to play & I knew he would have a great time so I told him to please go, then we get this news.
After discussing things over, we quickly decided we couldn't wait until Oct to see if BB would be okay, so we decided I would have the CVS. I called the nurse & made an appointment for this past Tuesday morning. My CVS test had to be done abdominally since the baby wasn't turned properly & it was pretty painful but I made it through the test. After the test I was pretty sore, had a low grade fever (which is normal) & they sent me home to rest.
Our preliminary test results would be back in 2 days & it would reveal 5 major chromosome abnormalities. We got the call from the nurse late yesterday afternoon & we are very pleased to say the baby is negative for Trisomy 13, 18, 21 (Downs Syndrome), X & Y. I am sure people heard our family's screams & cry of relief. Now we are still waiting on the full panel results in 10-12 days which will reveal all chromosome abnormalities. Another test they did for us was the gender & BB is... A GIRL!!! We are really excited to be having a girl & its a known medical fact that girls are strong than boys, so this plays in our favor. She's fighter, keep fighting BB.
Other than the last week of stress & wondering I feel okay, except for being sick. I have an appointment at 10:45 with my GP & hopefully he can help me out.