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Friday, November 27, 2009

My Black Friday

It actually started at 11:15pm last night with Emma waking up but I got her to go back to sleep, to only wake up again at 11:45. I ended up giving her a bottle & then noticed she was really warm. I was really afraid to check her temp but when I did it was 101 & I just started to cry. We had tried so hard to keep her from getting sick & now she has a fever. (This would probably explain why she was so fussy on yesterday & not eating very well.) So I gave her some tylenol, read her some books, rocked her & laid her back down at 1am. To my surprise she went to sleep & stayed a sleep.
Since I was up, I decided to try to purchase a wagon I saw in the Toys R Us sale paper for Emma online but no luck. Their website wouldn't let me buy it online for the sales price + I had a $5 off coupon I was going to use too. So I went to bed unhappy I couldn't purchase the wagon & wondering what I would do in the morning since Chris was going to work & Emma wasn't feeling well.
I actually woke up before Emma this morning & ate breakfast thinking I would either call Chris & ask him to run to Toys R Us or take Emma out if she was feeling better. Well much to my surprise, she wasn't running a fever when she got up & she was in a much better mood than yesterday, although she didn't drink much formula but she did eat 1/2 her breakfast. So I decided to give Dr. O a call & make sure her mysterious fever wasn't heart related & he said she should be fine since it wasn't a continueous fever.
Once I spoke with Dr. O I bundled up Emma & we headed to Toys R Us in search of the wagon. The parking lot of course was packed & the store was trashed with many empty shelves, so I thought for sure all the wagons would be gone especially since its was 10:30 am & they had been open since midnight. I headed to the back where the wagon were kept & the shelf was empty but there was a couple there with one in their cart & they were hoping to find another one. They asked a sales rep to look in the back & they asked me if I wanted one too & of course I said yes. Just as I expected there were no more, so headed on my way.
I stood in the isle & called Chris to see if he could run to the store near his office & then the lady with the wagon in her cart asked me if I wanted hers. I was extemely surprised & of course made sure she didn't really want to keep it but she wanted either 2 or a bigger one. So with much appreciation & thanks I took her wagon from her buggie & told Chris nevermind.
Then I proceeded to the checkout line, only to relize how am I going to do this. Emma was in her stroller (poor planning on my part) & the wagon was in a huge box. The same lady aske me if I needed help & I was a bit embarrassed to say yes & she flagged the same sales resp to help me to the front. Then we found a cart & he pushed it while I pushed Emma. Then I stood the long line with the cart in front of me in one hand & Emma behind me in the other hand.
We finally check out many minutes later & I am pushing the cart & dragging Emma in the stroller, relizing again this was not a well thought out plan. Then 2 ladies behind me in line asked if they could help me & again I was embarrassed to say yes. They offered to push the cart & said they wouldn't touch "the baby." I told them I couldn't believe it didn't consider getting a cart & putting Emma in it & she was shocked I would ever consider it. "You don't want to put her in these dirty carts, especially with H1N1 out there." A bit drastic, but I had no comment to that. I mean I do take her to the grocery store, Target & Walmart with a cart seat cover of course, but we do go out.
Anyway, I thanked the lovely lady, loaded the wagon in my car & we were on our way. Emma fell asleep on the way home, not having her usual morning nap & ended up sleeping for 3 hours with no fever reoccurring, although I am not feeling very well. My throat hurts, chest is tight & congested & I am running a low grade fever. I think the lack of sleeping of me worrying about Emma & getting up with her at night may be taking a toll on me. I am heading to get some drugs to hopefully catch this before it gets too bad & so I don't pass anything to Chris or more importantly Emma.

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